Active Military & Veterans
Our business is only as good as our people. At Entergy, we are fortunate to work with some of the best in the business. This includes thousands of veterans and those currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
We understand the value you bring and offer jobs that allow you to put your skills and perspective to good use. Join us and power your future today

Compensation and Reemployment

Serving your country should never come at the expense of job security. Our military leave and pay policies comply with all federal and state laws regarding the rights of uniformed service members.
Our uniformed service members are also eligible for differential payments under Entergy's Military Leave Policy. This pay supplements your military pay so that you don't suffer a loss in pay while engaged in military service.
If you're called away for duty, you can rest assured about reemployment with Entergy following military leave. For service that does not exceed five years, you are eligible to be reemployed in either the position you were in prior to service, or a position you would have attained of like seniority, status and pay.
Entergy won the 2019 Pro Patria Award from the U.S. Department of Defense's Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve in Louisiana. The company has also been named a semifinalist for the 2019 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award. Both awards recognize employers who show outstanding support for those serving in the National Guard and reserves. Approximately 150 Entergy employees serve in the guard or reserves.
The Pro Patria Award recognizes employers who promote a supportive work environment for employees in the guard and reserves. ESGR state committees present the award annually to one small, one large and one public sector employer in their state. The Louisiana ESGR recognized Entergy in the large business category.
The Freedom Award, the highest honor given by the Department of Defense's ESGR, recognizes employers for their outstanding support for guard and reserve members. Entergy is one of 135 semifinalists selected by ESGR state committees from 2,415 submissions. Thirty finalists will be announced this summer from which the ESGR National Selection Board will select up to 15 employers to receive the award.
Members of the Veterans ERG nominated Entergy for the Freedom Award by recounting the company's actions and reputation as a military-friendly employer. ERG members play a key role in this effort by supporting the unique needs of our veteran and active-duty employees.
Entergy has been recognized with numerous ESGR awards over the years, including the 2009 Above and Beyond Award, the 2010 and 2016 Pro Patria awards, and many Statement of Support and Patriot Awards. Entergy was also a semifinalist for the Freedom Award in 2010 and 2016.
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